Donald Trump Says Hillary Clinton Lacks Stamina and Strength to Be President

Hillary Coughing Fit

Hillary Clinton doesn’t have the strength or stamina to be president, GOP frontrunner Donald Trump said in a Monday-night CNN interview.

“Hillary Clinton does not have the stamina … does not have the strength to be president,” the GOP’s top vote-getter said.

“I think she doesn’t have the stamina,” Trump told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “You watch her life, you watch how she’ll go away for three, four days, she’ll come back, and she’ll go, I think she just doesn’t have the stamina.”

“Look,” Trump added, “We’ve got to beat China on trade, we’ve got to beat ISIS, we’ve got so many problems in this country, I say she does not have the stamina to be a good president. Plus she’s always got problems. Whether it’s White Water, or whether it’s the emails. It’s always, it’s always drama. It should end.”

“She shouldn’t even be running,” Trump concluded. “Honestly, she shouldn’t be allowed to run based on the emails, OK, to be totally honest with you. She’s being protected. But, Hillary Clinton does not have the stamina, doesn’t have the energy, doesn’t have it. Doesn’t have the strength to be president.”

Many observers are questioning Hillary Clinton’s health.

Despite that her campaign claims she is in good health, she has lapsed into prolonged coughing fits several times during campaign appearances. Most recently Hillary fell into another coughing spasm as she gave a speech about race on February 16. But that is far from the first time Clinton has fallen into an extending coughing fit at the podium.

Doctors have have raised questions about her blood clots in the brain and damaged vision.

Journalist and author Ed Klein wrote about some details of her health for Breitbart News.

“To this day,” Klein wrote, “Hillary still suffers from many of the troubling symptoms that I wrote about in Unlikeable: blinding headaches, exhaustion, insomnia, and a tremor in her hands. As a precaution against the spectacle of fainting in public, which could easily doom her candidacy, Hillary now travels with a personal physician on all her major campaign trips.”

In the same interview where Trump remarked on Clinton’s stamina, he was also asked to respond to Clinton’s criticism over his stance on Israel. “She doesn’t know me, she doesn’t know my policy, she doesn’t what I’m going to be doing, Trump said.

Blitzer noted that Hillary said Trump doesn’t have “steady hands.”

“I have the steadiest hands. Look at those hands,” Trump said. “Far steadier than hers,” he added.

But Trump also slammed Hillary for having contributed to the mess in the Middle East.

“Look where she’s got us,” Trump insisted. “Look at Libya, look at the migration, look at Benghazi. I mean here is a woman who… is just reading it off a teleprompter. All she does, believe me, they write that for her… look at what she’s done,” he said.

Trump then said he can be trusted to remain a steadfast friend of Israel.

“I am very pro-Israel, I’ve always been pro-Israel. I have many awards from Israel, I’ve contributed a lot of money to Israel. There’s nobody more pro-Israel than I am and we have to protect Israel,” Trump insisted.

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