Ohio State Representative Wes Retherford, who is currently seeking his third term, told Breitbart News that Ohio certainly isn’t “signed, sealed and delivered for Kasich.”

“I think it’s going to be real close,” the Republican predicted about the Buckeye state primary today between Ohio Gov. John Kasich and GOP frontrunner Donald Trump. “I don’t think it’s signed, sealed and delivered for Kasich.”

Last month, Kasich hinted that if he doesn’t win his home state, his campaign is done.

“If I don’t win Ohio… ballgame over,” Kasich said during a previous appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

Asked about his race, Retherford told Breitbart News, “I feel really good.”

“Even though I’m an incumbent, I have the anti-establishment vote on my side because the guy whose running against me has been in elected office for almost 30 years. That’s kind of worked out to my benefit,” he added. “I’ve had really, really, really good reception.”

JD Winteregg, who is running to replace former Speaker of the House John Boehner in Ohio’s 8th District, also weighed in on the 2016 race.

“Boehner endorsed Kasich, but that was like the first time he’s been up here since he resigned,” Winteregg said of Boehner’s recent endorsement of Kasich, adding that he thinks it’s “a non-factor.”

“It’s coming across as Kasich is desperate,” he added, referencing both Boehner and 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney campaigning for Kasich in Ohio, adding that Kasich is “pulling in people nobody wants to help him out.”

“Everybody’s trying to paint themselves as an outsider,” Winteregg said about his congressional race. “There are candidates getting money from Washington, D.C.”

Winteregg told Breitbart News some of his opponents have been funded with millions from the Club for Growth, an organization that has sparred with GOP frontrunner Donald Trump, as well as other Washington, D.C. groups.