Stacey Dash: Donald Trump Is Not Violent, He’s ‘Street’

Theo Wargo/Getty Images/AFP
Theo Wargo/Getty Images/AFP

Actress and Fox News contributor Stacey Dash described Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump as “street” in a recent blog post, in which she defended the party frontrunner against allegations he condones violence at campaign events.

“There’s a lot of talk about Donald Trump being violent, condoning it, or at least inciting it,” writes Dash in a blog post on Patheos.

Describing Trump as “our next President,” the 49-year-old says Trump is “not responsible for what every random guy does — out of thousands.”

She continues: “Second of all, he’s not violent, he’s just ‘street.’ He was born in Queens. Of course, that doesn’t mean he was hustling on the street, dodging bullets. I know he had a privileged upbringing that no doubt isolated him from much of the violence and strife that some people grew up with in the city.”

Citing her New York upbringing, Dash says she first saw a dead body when she was three and that growing up in the Bronx made her “see the world in a certain way.” She adds:

Actions have consequences.

Rude people are not tolerated.

If you attack me, I’ll come back at you twice at hard.

I’m not saying that Donald Trump grew up slamming people’s heads into walls. But there is something about growing up in New York, a certain toughness instilled, a certain level of “street” that can’t be ignored.

At least, that’s how it worked out with Trump.

Dash further argues that Americans “LOVE” Trump because they are tired of “being pushed around”:

…They want someone who will not put up with non-sense. Remember Mitt Romney’s “No Apology” tour? I love it that he did that tour. I voted for Romney, and don’t regret it.

Romney is a gentleman… almost too good to do what needs to be done.

But what he TRIED to do, Donald is actually doing.

He’s not apologizing. He’s not backing down.

Dash concludes Trump “knows both sides of the street,” and he “knows the game.”

“And he knows how to WIN IT. Like I’ve said… he doesn’t bring a knife to a gun fight!” she writes. “That’s why we support him.”

Trump has been accused of fostering a climate of violence at his rallies and other campaign events.

On Thursday, Mar. 10, Trump supporter John McGraw was charged with assault and battery and disorderly conduct for allegedly punching Trump protester Rakeem Jones at an event in Fayetteville, North Carolina.

Jones was among a group of protesters who interrupted the rally a total of 17 times.

A day later, on Friday, a Trump event in Chicago was shut down by thousands of violent leftist protesters.

On Saturday morning in Dayton, Ohio, a man was detained after he rushed and attempted to grab Trump while he was speaking onstage.

Watch video of the encounter below:


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