Pro-Life Leader Rep. Trent Franks Endorses Ted Cruz

Republican presidential candidate, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) speaks during a Anti-abortion
Olivier Douliery/Getty Images

Leading pro-life member of Congress, Rep. Trent Franks, has endorsed Ted Cruz in the GOP race for the nomination, the Cruz campaign announced.

Franks – who serves as chairman of the House Judiciary Committee’s Constitution and Civil Justice Subcommittee – said in a statement:

I remain deeply committed to the election of a President who is committed to preserving the Constitution, the conservative cause, and this Republic for future generations. Two weeks ago I urged Senators Cruz and Rubio to unite and present our Party with a combined ticket that would bring our conservative cause together in the primary election, and our nation together in the general election. While that did not happen, the results of the last two weeks make clear that the most reliable conservative with the best chance to win is Ted Cruz. He can win our party’s nomination and even more importantly, can beat Hillary Clinton in November. Therefore I have cast my ballot for Ted and am now honored to endorse his campaign, encouraging all who believe in strong families, free-markets, and the Constitution, to similarly rally to this effort and vote for Ted as the next President of the United States.

In his statement of February 25 – in which he urged a Cruz-Rubio combined presidential ticket, Franks said:

Donald Trump in recent years has been a pointed critic of President Barack Obama; and I embrace his strong words in support of American sovereignty and a secure border. However, Mr. Trump’s inconsistencies and shifts on national security, the free market, and protecting the unborn and the traditional family are indications of dissimulation.

Franks is a primary sponsor of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act that has been approved by the House but still awaits approval by the Senate. The measure – which has served as a model for 13 states that have approved late-term abortion bans – would prohibit abortions past the fifth month of pregnancy – a stage at which medical researchers believe unborn babies can feel the pain of the abortion procedure.

A medical animation of a second trimester abortion can be seen in the video below narrated by former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino:   [VIDEO]

“I am honored to have the endorsement of such a principled leader and defender of the Constitution like Trent,” said Cruz about Franks’ endorsement. “He rightfully knows that it’s time for all conservatives to coalesce around our campaign in order to stop Donald Trump. Arizona will have the opportunity to help choose the next President of the United States in less than two weeks and I urge all Arizonans to join Rep. Franks in support of our campaign.”


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