Dr. Ben Carson Endorses Donald Trump

Former Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson shakes hands with Republican president
AP/Lynne Sladky

GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson endorsed GOP frontrunner Donald Trump on Friday morning in Palm Beach, Florida during a press conference.

“Everybody loves him and truly, truly admires what he’s done,” Trump said of Carson as he introduced him at the press conference. “I just want to tell you having his support really adds total credence to what I’m trying to do and what we’re all trying to do.”

“It’s not about the Republican Party or the Democratic Party, it’s about the people of America,” Carson said. “I want the voice of the people to be heard.”

Carson also said it is important to let the political process play out how it should by the will of the voters.

“I’ve come to know Donald Trump over the last few years. He is actually a very intelligent man who cares deeply about America,” Carson added, explaining there are two different Donald Trumps, one that is cerebral and one that is seen on stage.

“We buried the hatchet,” Carson said, addressing political swipes back and forth against each other on the campaign trail. “That was political stuff.”

Trump said Carson will be involved in the educational system in America and healthcare, “where he’s an expert.”

Carson officially suspended his campaign last week after failing to gain traction on Super Tuesday.


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