Republican presidential candidate Texas Senator Ted Cruz stated, “I believe we need to champion every able-bodied adult ought to be working, or actively looking for a job, and the entire purpose, every one of the welfare programs, even disability programs” in a town hall broadcast on Wednesday’s “The Kelly File” on the Fox News Channel.

Cruz said, “I believe we need to champion every able-bodied adult ought to be working, or actively looking for a job, and the entire purpose, every one of the welfare programs, even disability programs, people with disabilities are still capable, in many, many cases, of doing meaningful work, maybe not heavy manual labor.”

He added, “And when big government traps people in dependency, it zaps them of their self-respect. It saps them of the dignity of work, of coming home and looking your kids in the eyes and providing for them. And that is integral to achieving the American Dream. And it’s one of the tragedies of the Obama economy is so many have been trapped in.”

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