The New York Post reports that an online petition, launched by supporters of Bernie Sanders, to have Bill Clinton arrested for violating Massachusetts election laws has gathered almost 100,000 signatures.

Clinton seems guilty of the offenses in question. As the Post notes, there is ample eyewitness testimony, plus video and photographic evidence, of the former President campaigning for his wife within 150 feet of multiple polling stations, which is prohibited under Massachusetts law.

In at least two cases, Clinton went inside the polling stations. While the Hillary Clinton campaign argues it was technically permissible for him to go inside and say hello, there are eyewitness accounts of him urging people to “pull the lever for Hillary,” and thanking Hillary supporters through a bullhorn in one instance.

It would be one thing to ask if the spirit of election law is violated by having the very famous husband of one candidate, who happens to be a former President himself, hanging around inside the polling place, even if he did nothing more than engage in idle chit-chat with voters. The petition alleges he did much more than that.

The Boston Globe notes that Massachusetts Secretary of State William F. Galvin explicitly instructed election workers that “even a President can’t go inside and work a polling place,” reminding them Bill Clinton was not allowed to approach voters within the restricted area.

Hillary Clinton beat Sanders by only one point in the Massachusetts primary.

The New York Post features some comments from people who are about to learn, to their dismay, that top Democrats are not bound by election laws, and Clintons are above virtually all law, period:

“Bill Clinton does not vote in Massachusetts, and would have no other business in a polling station on election day besides campaigning for his wife,” the petition on states.

Veronica Wolski of Chicago, who started the petition, slammed the Clintons’ flouting of election laws.

“This malfeasance, on the part of the Clinton campaign, will not go unchallenged,” she said.

Many Sanders supporters posted angry comments on the Web site.

“I am 100 percent done with the cheating Clintons,” wrote Patty Jane of Ypsilanti, Mich.

“A former president should not be above the law,” added Eric Wimer of New York City.

Folks, if you’re interested in the rule of law, you were voting in the wrong damn primary.