MADISON, AL – Before an estimated crowd of over 30,000 on Sunday, Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump wooed Alabama GOP primary voters.
Trump filled the Madison High School Stadium at an event that was highlighted by an endorsement from Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), a hometown favorite in the very heavily Republican state.
The real estate mogul turned politician gave his standard stump speech that emphasized border security, fair trade, and tough talk about companies sending jobs overseas. But his toughest criticism came at the expense of the media.
“It has nothing to do with freedom of the press, which I believe in totally — but when they don’t report accurately, we should have the right to sue them,” he said. “They are so dishonest, these reporters. I tell you what, I’ve dealt with politicians all my life. They are going to leave here, we will say we had 32,000 people, 35,000 with those standing out there. They won’t allow more than that. And you know what is going to happen? The story tomorrow is going to say, ‘Donald Trump made a speech in front of an okay crowd.’ When they write in inaccurately, we have a right to hold them to what they write. And if it is inaccurate, we have the right to get damages. They are going to regret all of the bad stories they write.”
Trump went on to harangue the press even more when he said despite his “dishonest” opponents Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Marco Rubio (R-FL), they measure up to the dishonesty of the press.
“I have dealt with politicians all my life, some are good,” he said. “Many are dishonest. I don’t think they are as bad as the press.”
Throughout Sunday’s event, Trump was interrupted by a number of protesters, including a Black Lives Matter protester, to which Trump declared, “All lives matter.”
“We’re going to get our jobs back, folks,” Trump proclaimed. “We’re going to take care of our military. We’re going to do such an incredible job. We’re going to take care of our vets. Our vets are treated so badly.”
The event was certainly unprecedented for the area. Veteran political watcher Dale Jackson, host of a local talk show WVNN in Huntsville, said Trump’s popularity was a reflection the public’s sentiment.
“Truthfully, I have never seen anything like this,” Jackson told Breitbart. “People are very upset with politics on every level. Trump is the embodiment of that. They don’t care what he says, they are just mad. Tariffs? Screw China/Mexico. Controlling companies? Rich people are screwing us. Limits in the press? We hate them. Anger, without reason.”
Trump has a commanding lead in polling within the state and is expected to win big when Alabama votes on its preference for GOP nominee on Tuesday.
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