Friday on ABC’s “The View,” co-host Joy Behar said Pope Francis had to “speak out” about Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump wanting to a build wall instead of “bridges” because she said, “Not to go into Hitler at all, but during World War II, the Pope didn’t speak out against what was happening to the Jews.”

While discussing the Pope’s comments with guest Eva Longoria, Behar said, “He has to speak out in my opinion. You know, not to go into Hitler at all, but during World War II, the Pope didn’t speak out against what was happening to the Jews. And to this day they hold it against him. And history will show he did not speak out and that is not good. So I think a Catholic priest or a Catholic pope or a leader of a religious institution that has so much weight needs to speak out when people are being oppressed and thrown around. I agree with the Pope. I do. Sorry.”

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