Tuesday on Fox Business Network’s “Mornings with Maria,” former Gov. Jeb Bush (R-FL), a candidate for the 2016 GOP nomination, took aim at the party front-runner Donald Trump.
Bush told host Maria Bartiromo that Trump’s tactics were not “normal” and described him as a bully. He also criticized fellow competitors Sens. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Ted Cruz (R-TX) for not being more aggressive in taking on Trump.
“It’s hard to deal with a guy who talks over you, who shushes you, who shouts profanity in debates,” Bush said. ‘It’s not the normal candidacy. I’m running because I believe that we can grow the economy at 4 percent rather than 2 percent to lift people’s incomes and to keep people safe and secure in terms of foreign policy. So this is a phenomenon that’s — that I’ve had to adjust to, to be honest with you. But the reality is he’s a bully and if you don’t confront a bully, you get the same result, where he just pushes people around. And I find it amazing that most candidates keep quiet. Marco Rubio keeps totally quiet on this and — and Cruz, until he got attacked directly, did the same. It’s important for us to nominate a conservative in the conservative party or we will just get wiped out in November.”
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