Ted Cruz: ‘We Are One Liberal Justice Away from a Five Justice Liberal Majority’

Joe Raedle/Getty Images
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

“We are one liberal justice away from a five justice liberal majority, the likes of which this country has never seen,” 2016 presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz said Tuesday at the Red Arrow Diner in New Hampshire with radio hosts Andrew Wilkow and David Webb on The Wilkow Majority radio program on SiriusXM Patriot 125.

“The next president could get up to four Supreme Court justices,” Cruz said of the responsibility of appointing judges to the high court, calling it one of the most important presidential tasks.

He detailed that several Republicans have appointed some of the worst liberal Supreme Court judges. He named several, calling out Harry Blackmun, the author of the Roe v. Wade decision.

Earlier in the broadcast, Cruz told the listening audience:

The Rubio-Schumer amnesty bill was the gravest threat to the rule of law, to jobs, to wages that we have seen in modern times. And that was a time for choosing. It was a time where everyone decided, “Which side of the line do you stand on?” Unfortunately, Marco Rubio chose to stand with Barack Obama and Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer and push for granting amnesty to 12 million people here illegally, push for not securing our borders, for not keeping this country safe, push for allowing President Obama to have even more authority to admit Syrian refugees to this country without mandating any meaningful background checks.

Cruz contrasted that to his standing against and defeating the bill with Sen. Jeff Sessions, Rep. Steve King, and millions of Americans.

“Marco Rubio, Donald Trump, and Hillary Clinton all support giving citizenship to the 12 million people here illegally,” Cruz said.

He went on to call Rubio charming and smooth.

Cruz said he has spent his entire life defending the United States Constitution. He told the Wilkow audience that he used to lead the Center for Tenth Amendment Studies at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. He stated that on day one of his presidency, he would instruct the U.S. Department of Education to end Common Core.

Host Andrew Wilkow said many callers are saying they are jumping ship from voting for Trump to voting for Cruz. Cruz commented that three months ago, Trump was singing his praises, but “his poll numbers started dropping, our numbers started surging, and suddenly … I became a really rotten guy overnight.”

Radio host David Webb asked Cruz about foreign policy in the Middle East. Cruz said there needs to be more emphasis on destroying the Islamic State (ISIS).

“They are both socialists,” Cruz said of Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders. “One admits it. One pretends she’s not.” He went on to say that neither will say the words “radical Islamic terrorism” and that both are disrespectful of constitutional rights.

Cruz warned that nominating a candidate like Rubio or Trump puts Republicans at risk of losing.

Cruz also talked about shutting down the IRS and a plan to make filing taxes as simple as filling out a postcard.

Citing his win in Iowa, Cruz said Americans saw the start of the downfall of the Washington cartel. “We won the biggest vote total any Republican has ever won in the history of Iowa politics by standing with the American people.”

Listen to the entire interview here:

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