Sen. Marco Rubio is still in second place in New Hampshire, according to a new CNN/WMUR poll, while Trump maintains the lead.

Trump is currently at 31 percent, even though he has dropped two points since the last release of the February 3-6 tracking numbers, and Sen. Marco Rubio currently sits at 17 percent — up one point.

Here is how the final numbers stack up:

Trump 31
Rubio 17
Cruz 14
Kasich 10
Bush 7
Fiorina 5
Christie 4
Carson 3

The tracking poll was conducted from February 4-8 — two days before the debate and two days after the debate. According to CNN, the tracking poll did not pick up a drop in support for Marco Rubio in the days after the debate, even though they admitted that the sample size was too small.

The CNN/WMUR poll was conducted by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center of 362 voters who plan to vote in the New Hampshire primary.