Presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is one of the strongest advocates for homeschool freedom on Capitol Hill. Cruz is in a select group of elected leaders who have opposed United Nations Treaties and increased international control over our nation – and won.

Even before Cruz was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2012, back when he was Solicitor General of Texas, he argued before the Supreme Court and won a case pitting state sovereignty against the International Court of Justice and President George W. Bush. Cruz defended state sovereignty and won in Medellin v. Texas which upheld the conviction of a rapist and murderer who was later executed. Ted Cruz has championed U.S. sovereignty and homeschool freedom against UN control with his leadership against the dangerous UN Disabilities Treaty along with other conservatives, including fellow candidates Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, and Rick Santorum.

Which is why we found it laughable/ridiculous/absurd/preposterous (insert your preferred adjective) when a little known blogger recently made waves in the homeschool community by penning an article (complete with a “YUUUGE” picture of Donald Trump at the top!) titled “Cruz legislation Attacks Home Schooling – In Lockstep With United Nations One World Education!” We welcome a vigorous campaign debate on the issues, but the truth is not negotiable. Such a sensational, misleading, and false attack on Senator Cruz, who is a friend of homeschooling, needed to be addressed.

For over a decade the Home School Legal Defense Association has supported legislation enabling homeschooling families to use Coverdell Education Savings accounts for homeschool expenses. While families in private and public schools can set up these accounts to grow their own money tax free for their children’s education, homeschoolers have been left out in the cold.

Legislation to fix this was first introduced in 2005 and then 2011.  Last year Utah Senator Mike Lee introduced S. 306 to try yet again to fix this problem. Senators Mike Crapo (Idaho) and Ted Cruz joined as co-sponsors. Recently, other senators including Orrin Hatch (UT), Pat Toomey PA), and David Vitter (LA) have also joined in this battle to fix this unwarranted discrimination against homeschooling families.

The blogger singled out co-sponsor Senator Cruz, attacking him of a “seedy hidden agenda.” Treating homeschooling families fairly is “seedy”? Co-sponsoring legislation that has been out there for over a decade is a “hidden agenda”? Why no attack on Mike Lee? Or Mike Crapo, Pat Toomey, David Vitter, or Orrin Hatch? This blogger supports another candidate so election year politics “trumps” the truth, we suppose. Homeschoolers and fellow lovers of the truth beware.

We’ve worked with Ted Cruz over the years and believe that his heart is dedicated to defending homeschooling freedom. We believe that he would never permit the federal government to ever interfere with homeschooling freedom – and if he ever did we would strongly oppose it. But Cruz has consistently opposed attempts by the UN to meddle with domestic policy. He has fought treaties that threaten our families, individual freedom and state sovereignty.

We believe that Senator Cruz has the character, competence and consistency to serve as Commander in Chief and Chief Executive of our beleaguered Republic.  We believe he is the best choice to be the next President of the United States.

Mike Donnelly and Will Estrada are attorneys at the Home School Legal Defense Association, an international nonprofit dedicated to protecting, preserving, and advancing the freedom of homeschool families. Both Will and Mike have endorsed Ted Cruz for President in their personal capacities.