On Breitbart News Daily GOP frontrunner Donald Trump’s senior policy advisor, Stephen Miller, warned that the Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership Trump opposes and other GOP candidates such as Florida Sen. Marco Rubio staunchly support, will corrode U.S. sovereignty on everything from immigration policy to trade.

Miller, former communications director to Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions, explained to host Stephen K. Bannon that Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership passed thanks to Rubio: “The way that it works, is this: First, Congress passed fast track, TPA, Trade Promotion Authority. It passed with 60 votes, which, because of the filibuster, not one vote to spare. So, Marco Rubio was the 60th vote for fast track. Now remember, President Obama lobbied aggressively for fast track.”

“In fact, Ted Cruz said at the very last second, hey, I’ve been lied to. I’ve been — isn’t that when he went down and said Mitch McConnell’s a liar?” Bannon asked. “It got pretty nasty. He flipped his vote against TPA at the last second, is that correct?”

“I’d have to let Cruz speak for Cruz on Cruz’s vote on TPA, but I would just say that Donald Trump has been the one consistent candidate opposed to fast track, opposed to the Trans Pacific Partnership, and is the only way to stop the TPP,” Miller said. “But once the fast track was put into place –”

“But Marco Rubio voted for the TPA, the Fast Track, to give this to President Obama, correct?” Bannon said.

“Correct,” Miller said. “President Obama said: I want fast track executive authority. I want it more than anything. Please, please, please, please, Congress. Please give me this fast track. I want it, I need it, I must have it. And Marco Rubio said: Absolutely. Tell me where I can show up and help. You want fast track, you’re going to get your fast track. And so, he was the 60th vote to fast track the TPP.”

When asked why no major news networks, including Fox News, have addressed much of TPP and Rubio’s role in ensuring Obama received his fast track authority, Miller said: “I think there’s an unhealthy relationship between a lot of our corporate lobbyists, and a lot of the politicians, and a lot of the special interests who also influence media coverage, and the net effect of all of this is that certain unpleasant topics just don’t get discussed… It’s essential this get brought up at Saturday night’s debate. What is the fast track, why does it matter, and what does it have to do with TPP.”

“I’ll answer all of those questions briefly,” he continued:

The fast track that other candidates in this race aggressively pushed for, and that Mr. Trump has been opposed to, means that President Obama can ink any international trade deal he wants, and sign the deal through his trade representative, as he did yesterday. Congress cannot filibuster it. Cannot amend it. Cannot subject it to a treaty vote. Cannot debate it on the floor for as long as they would like to. And in fact, the White House writes the ‘implementation’ legislation to override U.S. law and put the new treaty into effect, and Congress simply has to ratify that bill, turning the legislative process on its head.

“Ratify it with just 51 votes,” Bannon said.

OK, here’s what I don’t understand. All of you constitutionalists out there — and I love you, brothers and sisters — all you constitutionalists, is this not what Founders and the framers understood, that these trade deals are central — by the way, you talk about, ‘Oh, don’t talk about nationalists, nationalism is a bad word.’ Every one of the framers was a nationalist. They believed in the nation of the United States of America. They fought for it. They fought a revolution against the greatest empire in the world to form this country. They put everything on the line to do it, and they understood they didn’t want to give it away. They understood trade deals were going to be the beating heart of the economy in the United States, and that’s why they demanded they be treated as treaties. Is that not correct, Mr. Miller? They wanted them as treaties? They wanted them to come back to the Senate and be ratified?

“Well, especially — and this is very important — especially when you’re looking at the Trans Pacific Partnership,” Miller said. “The Trans-Pacific Partnership is an agreement between 12 nations, of which the United States is one of 12, that affects labor relations, environmental policy, immigration policy, and yes of course trade policy. And the effect of this will be the steady, dramatic bleeding of U.S. sovereignty.”


Email Katie at kmchugh@breitbart.com.