Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) declared that he was “very proud to have received recently, the endorsement of” on Tuesday’s “Rachel Maddow Show” on MSNBC.
Sanders said, in response to a question on some of the endorsements fellow candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton received, “I would love to have the endorsement of every progressive organization in America. We’re very proud to have received recently, the endorsement of We’ve received the endorsement of Democracy for America. These are grassroots organizations representing millions of workers. What we are doing in this campaign, and it just blows my mind every day, because I see it clearly, we’re taking on, not only Wall Street, and the economic establishment, we’re taking on the political establishment. So, I have friends and supporters in the Human Rights Fund and Planned Parenthood. but, you know what, Hillary Clinton has been around there for a very, very long time, and some of these groups are, in fact, part of the establishment. I will challenge anybody with regard to my record on LBGT issues. You know, I was one of the few, relatively few, to oppose and vote against DOMA, etc. In terms of women’s rights. I believe we have a 100% lifetime pro-choice record. But, you know, that’s what happens in politics. Look, I’m going to do well, and hopefully win, not because of establishment support. What we are going to do well at, and what we are doing well at, is rallying the grassroots of this country. … We have 2.5 million individual campaign contributions, more than any campaign in history. So Rachel, I concede, I’m not going to get establishment support. I’m not going to get the support of the governors and the senators, with few exceptions, or many of the major organizations.”
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