Herman Cain: Trump Touches a Chord with Conservatives on the Economy, Spending, Terrorism

On Thursday’s broadcast of “Fox & Friends,” 2012 Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain explained why the 2016 party front-runner Donald Trump has resonated with voters at this stage in the primary contest.

Cain explained that it had to do with three major issues.

“I think it is because he is touching a chord with the same people that are conservatives who believe that we have three major problems,” Cain said. “As someone said earlier, he is a fiery candidate. They want some fire in our president to attack three big problems that mainstream USA and the conservatives recognize but the political establishment basically don’t do anything about.”

“Number one, this is a sluggish economy,” Cain continued. “It is not the new normal. Donald Trump projects the fact that we can do better. Number two, this runaway spending and all the establishment candidates do is make excuses for this runaway spending. And three, they want a fiery leader to fight against the war on terrorism. Those are the three things that Donald Trump appeals to and he doesn’t play by the rules and that’s what a lot of people like.”

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