Palin to Islamic State on Fatwa Against Children with Down Syndrome: ‘Over My Dead Body!’

Sarah Palin and Trig Facebook

Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin took to Facebook and Twitter Monday to assert her message to the Islamic State, which issued a fatwa – or religious decree – that authorizes its members to kill newborn babies with Down Syndrome, congenital deformities, and disabled children.

“Note to muslim terrorists: Over my dead body,” posted Palin, whose 6-year-old son Trig has Down Syndrome.

Above a photo of herself and her son on Facebook, Palin quoted a verse from St. Paul’s letter to the Romans 8:31 – “If God is for us, who can be against us?”

As Breitbart News reported, the Islamic State’s fatwa – issued by a Saudi sharia judge – echoes Hitler’s “Aktion T4” program that required some 300,000 disabled individuals to be euthanized.

The report continues:

According to the Iraqi activist blog Mosul Eye, sharia judges have ruled that ISIS followers are authorized to kill infants with Down Syndrome or congenital deformities. Already since the religious decree (fatwa) was issued, militants have killed at least 38 children between one week and three months old by lethal injection or suffocation.

In a post on the Mosul Eye Facebook page, the group claims that any child with a disability is now at risk of being killed, and released a brief video showing disabled children. The killings reportedly took place in ISIS strongholds in Syria and Mosul, the northern Iraqi city seized by ISIS in June 2014.


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