Hiram College Prof Jason Johnson: Trump’s Numbers Increasing After Terrorist Attacks ‘Disturbing’


Political analyst and Hiram College professor Dr. Jason Johnson reacted Saturday to GOP frontrunner Donald Trump’s poll numbers, which, according to CNN polls, continue to rise after terrorist attacks.

Johnson called this fact “disturbing” because Trump is “speaking to fears” and his “solutions are to keep people from coming into the country,” noting that San Bernardino attacker Syed Farook was born in the United States.

“This is the most disturbing thing that I have seen in this campaign season.; that Trump continually leapt up in the polls because what he’s doing, he’s speaking to fears, in some respects he does a better job of that than President Obama. Trump is out there saying, ‘I know what it’s like to be afraid.’ He’s not saying, ‘We got this handled.'”

“His solutions are to keep people from coming into this country. Well, what do you do about someone like [Syed Farook] who was born here? So, clearly, that’s not going to fix things,” he added. “He doesn’t have any practical solutions or constitutional solutions, but he speaks to fear and that’s what people are comfortable with right now.”

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