World Health Organization Report: Trannies 49 Xs Higher HIV Rate

Jazz Jennings (from prev. Breitbart article)

A new study from the World Health Organization shows how dangerous it is to become “transgender.”

The WHO performed a meta-analysis of 15 different countries and found that men who dress as women are 49 times more likely to contact the HIV virus than the general population. Men who dress as women and also prostitute themselves are nine times more likely to contract HIV than those who do not prostitute themselves.

Such devastating news is never included in the “transgender” narrative that is sweeping American culture, including the school system. Breitbart News reported this week about a school system in Wisconsin that tried to feature the book I am Jazz, an illustrated children’s book that tells the story of a gender confused 15-year-old boy who has become one of the breakout stars in the trans firmament. The school board makes the claim that a boy can have a girl brain, something not supported by science.

What is not discussed with school children or anyone else is the dark-side of the trans world. Walt Heyer, who lived for years as a woman, hosts a website called “Sex-Change Regret” that tells the horror stories of those who have tried to live the trans life.

Dr. Paul McHugh, former chief psychiatrist at Johns Hopkins University and the man who shut down Johns Hopkins’ renowned sex change unit, cites a study performed by the National Institute of Health that found the suicide rate among men who live as women, even in trans-friendly Sweden, is significantly higher than the general population.

Noted sex researcher Dr. Ray Blanchard hypothesizes there are two essential types of men who dress as women and who seek bodily changes through drugs or surgery. The first are “transsexual homosexals” who want to sexually attract other men. The second are what he calls “autogynephilic transsexuals” who derive sexual pleasure from appearing to be women. Given the hipness of transsexualism with people like Caitlyn Jenner and Jazz Jennings, there might be a third category, especially among children, and that is fashion.

Paul McHugh says these urges grow out of psychological disturbances that are not solved through dressing up or through surgery. Walt Heyer, through his anecdotal work among those who regret their transsexualism, would agree.

Follow Austin Ruse on Twitter @austinruse


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