Trump Blasts Obama While Warning of World War III

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump addresses supporters during a campaign rall
Ty Wright/Getty Images

While sounding restrained when it comes to the use of military force, GOP frontrunner Donald Trump wasn’t willing to give President Obama a pass for seeming to ignore a dangerous world to focus on Climate Change this week in Paris.

“We have a President over there worried about Climate Change instead of worrying about Nuclear Weapons coming into the middle of our cities. We are being run by stupid people,” Trump said in an exclusive interview with host Stephen K. Bannon on Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Daily.

Dismissing concerns over Global Warming, said Trump, “we have a form of Global Warming that’s a very serious form of Global Warming. And that’s called Nuclear Global Warming. Because if we don’t get our act together and corral all of these countries that want to get themselves some real power, we’re going to be in big trouble. You know, you do have North Korea, which nobody talks about.”

Concerning the increasing Islamization of Turkey, Trump said, “You don’t want to have World War III over what we’re talking about. It’s a problem. It’s going to be a problem. ISIS is composed probably of 60,000 people, fighters. It’s a problem that we should have been able to win easily but we haven’t used the right thought process.”

Suggesting he’d find the right people and deal with it, Trump said: “We will take it out. But this is not something that you want to end up in WWIII over.”

Trump contrasted his view with those who wanted to “go right after Russia” given recents events between them and Turkey. “I’m tougher than all of them times ten, but there are times to fight and there are times you don’t have to fight,” said Trump.

Calling for a stronger military, Trump said America will be stronger than ever under his leadership. “But who wants to fight over Syria and literally start WWIII?” he quipped. “If you listen to some of the people on that stage (the Republican debate stage) and some of the people in the Senate, you’re going to end up in a World War. Over what? Over Syria. That’s not what you end up in world wars over.”

Trump insisted he would prefer to solve the problem with diplomacy. The full interview is below.


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