Washington Post Fact-Checker’s Partisan Fraud Exposed In Hillary’s ‘Marine’ Tale

By awarding Democrat Hillary Clinton only two Pinocchios for her wildly improbable tale of trying to join the Marines forty years ago, The Washington Post fact-check column has now been fully exposed as the partisan fraud it is, and has always been.

During the 2012 presidential election, Republican nominee Mitt Romney ran ads critical of Barack Obama for not visiting Israel during his first presidential term. The ads were true, and objectively so, because Obama did not visit Israel during his first presidential term.

For claiming that a president who didn’t visit Israel didn’t visit Israel, Washington Post fact-checker Glenn Kessler awarded Romney two Pinocchios.

No. Really.

Yes, you read that correctly: Kessler awarded Romney the same number of Pinocchios for telling the truth as he did for Hillary’s ridiculous tale about attempting to join the Marines.

Wait, it gets worse.

Much worse.

After confirming that Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina did indeed begin her incredible career-rise as a secretary, the Washington Post fact-checker awarded Fiorina 3 Pinocchios for claiming that she began her incredible career-rise as a secretary. Moreover, the fact-check headline declared Fiorina’s objectively true claim as  “bogus.”

No. Really.

Glenn Kessler continues to expose himself as nothing more than a partisan fraud; as nothing more than a protection racket always on stand-by to explain why Obama didn’t mean what he said; always on stand-by to protect Hillary from her documented lies.

Kessler targets Republicans almost twice as often as Democrats, and says he doesn’t.


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