During the Weekend Update segment on this weekend’s broadcat of  “Saturday Night live” on NBC, co-host Colin Jost introduced GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s “number one fan,” “Drunk Uncle,” played by Bobby Moynihan.

“Finally, Colin, someone is saying the things that I have been thinking as well as saying. I mean, it’s like I’m running for president. You know, it’s like we have like a million things in common, you know. We both love white Russians,” he said.

Moynihan’s drunk uncle portrayed on SNL called Weekend Update co-host Michael Che Ben Carson and ripped “crime perpetrated by immigrants.”

Exchange as follows:

MOYNIHAN: “He’s my president, Colin because he’s finally going to get rid of all the… every single one of them!”

JOST: “Don’t say it!

MOYNIHAN: “Crime, Colin. I was going to say crime, Colin. Come on.”


MOYNIHAN: “Crime perpetrated by immigrants!”

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