The New York Post reported Wednesday that Hillary’s newest addition to her campaign communications team was arrested for drug possession two years ago. Zac Petkanas is a former Media Matters operative who has worked for Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and as the Communications Director for Wendy Davis, the abortion fanatic who lost the last Texas governor’s race in spectacular fashion.

According to the Post, in August of 2013, Petkanas was charged with possessing methamphetamines. “The charges were dropped after Petkanas completed a pre-trial diversion program,” the Post adds. “He also went to a voluntary rehab program in New York to get clean.”

Some on the Right, including Red State and The Federalist, are  making political hay out of the story. “Nothing puts the rapid in rapid response like a little meth,” snarks The Federalist. Red State floats the idea that Petkanas is almost certain to relapse, “One has to worry about the judgment of Petkanas in accepting a job that is going to place demands on him that will make using meth seem like a viable course of action.”

The last Republican president I proudly supported, George W. Bush, is a reformed alcoholic. For the last three decades, the heart, soul, and intellect of the conservative movement has been Rush Limbaugh, a man who has spoken eloquently and honestly about his addiction to prescription drugs.

There is nothing I want  more than to crush the spirit and very souls of Hillary Clinton and all of her staffers, most especially the spin doctors like Zac Petkanas. One year from today, when the election results come in, I want them on the floor in the fetal position wishing they were never born and void of all hope for the future. And between now and Election Day, I intend to commit myself to exactly that.

At the same time, I wish Zac Petkanas nothing but the best with his recovery. And I’m glad Hillary Clinton gave him a second chance, because I’ve needed second chances, and will again sometime in the future.

Holding a recovering addict up for ridicule, someone who is obviously in the midst of trying to put his life back together, isn’t just mean-spirited, it’s terrible politics. Does this kind of catty behavior move one voter to our side, or encourage a single member of our base to come out and vote?


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