Charlie Crist is back, and this time, it looks as if he is here to stay. Crist announced that he is running for Congress in Florida’s soon-to-be-Democratic-leaning 13th congressional district.

The congressional district in which Crist will run is currently considered a toss-up by political grand poobahs, but because of the redrawing of the congressional districts in Florida that was caused by Republicans in the state legislature deciding to “rig” the map drawing process, the seat is expected to heavily lean Democrat.

U.S. Rep. David Jolly (R) currently holds the seat, but because he saw the redistricting writing on the wall, Jolly has jumped ship and is running for Sen. Marco Rubio’s Senate seat in 2016.

Because we all know Charlie Crist’s story of losing statewide political campaigns, flip-flopping on just about every issue, and changing political affiliations about as many times as my dog Gonzo goes to the bathroom on a single day, there really is no need for me to go into all of it.

If this seat does turn bright blue, don’t expect the GOP to put up much of a fight, even though it is Charlie Crist that they would be pounding on.

The Republican congressional campaign apparatus will surely focus on preserving Rep. Carlos Curbelo’s seat, which is also in jeopardy, and trying to win back the Republican-leaning seat in Florida’s 18th congressional district.

What should we expect to see if Crist wins the congressional seat?

Democrats will crown him their de facto DNC Chair and parade him around as their official, unofficial party spokesman.

Charlie is coming to a TV screen near you.