Tonight a bunch old white Democrats take the CNN stage to bat away softballs hurled from Clinton Global Initiative Member Anderson Cooper. CNN’s Dana Bash will also ask questions, and if past is prologue, she will again prove she’s in way over her head.

Democrats sure got it good. Especially on CNN.

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Latest updates at the top. All times Eastern.

11:13 – Reminder: Debates Don’t Matter; Post-Debate Spin Matters

The pundits have been wrong about everything so far, so don’t buy the immediate post-debate spin.

The thing is this: Bernie Sanders is openly calling for a revolution. Clinton might be moving left, but Bernie still owns everyone’s hearts. Hillary was impressive, the best debater, but she was still Hillary — flip-flopping, shrill at times, shift at others.

2016 is going to be a change election. Hillary is not change.


11:05 – Consensus Is Hillary Won

Most analysts agree Hillary won the debate. On guns and giving illegals ObamaCare and in-state tuition, she probably hurt herself in the general election. She’s also vulnerable on the flip-flops.

Jake Tapper believes Jim Webb and Lincoln Chafee will drop out soon.

As far as the state of the race, nothing much is expected to change.


10:26 – Anderson Cooper Did a Good Job

We had every right to be skeptical of Cooper, who is a left-winger who works for a left-wing network, but he asked a lot of good, tough questions.


10:18 – AP FACT CHECK: Clinton revises trade history in Dem debate

Let me sum this up: Hillary lied.


9:08 – Journalists at Debate Above The Whole National Anthem Thing

Story here.


9:00 – After 30 Minutes We Get Our First Question!

After a 30 minute Democrat infomercial, CNN finally got around to asking a question.


8:57 – Chuck Todd Thinks Bernie Sanders Was a Little Shouty

Bernie Sanders was passionate and issue-driven in his opening remarks. NBC’s Chuck Todd thought he might have been a little shouty.

8:51 – Before Single Question Asked, Republican Establishment Already Accusing Trump Fans of Racism

Republican consultant grifter is already using the debate to attack our own base and voters as racist. Keep in mind this is the same scumbag who accused Ann Coulter of being a prostitute. —

8:45 – 15 Minutes Into the CNN Debate and It’s all James Bond, Meryl Streep, and Steven Spielberg

We’re 15 minutes into the CNN debate and not a single question has been asked. It’s all movie trailers. Jeff Zucker sucks.


8:41 – With Sheryl Crow, Make That 6 Aging White Leftists On the CNN Debate Stage While Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders pretended to love America, Sheryl Crow managed to sing the National Anthem without bursting into flames.


8:39 – How Good Do Democrats Got It? This Good.

Five left-wing extremists are providing “commentary” during tonight’s CNN debate.


8:35 – CNN Allows Obama to Run Campaign Ad

Prior to the debate, CNN aired a lengthy campaign ad with Barack Obama urging Americans to volunteer for the Democrat Party.

Democrats sure got it good.


8:27 – The New, Unbiased MSNBC Is Interviewing Racist Deray McKesson

Rachel Maddow Chris Hayes is interviewing racist Deray McKesson about the upcoming Democrat debate on MSNBC, which is now selling itself as an unbiased, objective news network.

Deray loves his blackness. And yours.


8:18 – Pundits Who Have Been 100% Wrong About Everything Speculate On Debate

It is debate night in America, which means the most useless, corrupt, and out-of-touch morons in the world are swarming our television sets in order to prove just how useless, corrupt, and out-of-touch they are. Yes, I’m talking about pundits. The same pundits…

…who laughed at Donald Trump and said he would never get in the race.

…who assured themselves Trump was a summer fling who would fade by September

…who said the government shutdown would kill the GOP in 2014.

…who said gun control would kill the GOP in 2014.

…who had no idea Speaker Boehner was on his way out.

…who just five days ago were sure Paul Ryan would be Speaker by today.

So make sure to listen to every word these clueless losers put forth. They might be wrong about but it is fun to hear how sure they are of themselves while being so.