Despite a full-on, five-day promotional rehabilitation campaign for Hillary Clinton courtesy of NBC News; despite all of the media piling on Ben Carson The Scary Black Man Who Preaches Self-Reliance; despite the media’s ongoing hate campaign to paint Donald Trump as a racist, a new Fox News poll shows that both men are handily beating Ms. Clinton.

In fact, despite the media’s ongoing campaign to tar the Republican Party as a whole as extreme and incompetent, every Republican candidate polled beats Ms. Clinton.

In a head-to-head match-up Carly Fiorina beats Hillary 42% – 39%; Jeb Bush wins by 44% to 40%; and Donald Trump is up +5%, 45% to 40%.

The best news is for Dr. Ben Carson, who wallops Hillary by +11%, 50% to 39%.

Last month Hillary beat Trump 46% to 42%. That’s a +9 point jump for the Republican frontrunner. Bush has gained +2 points since September.

Carson has gained a whopping +16 points on Clinton. Back in June he was down 46% to 41%.

If you want to know why the media spent all of last week engaging in an “othering”  campaign to dehumanize and disqualify Carson, the +11 point lead over Hillary should be explanation enough. A black man who preaches self-determination over federal government solutions is the media’s worst nightmare. He’s off The Liberal ThoughtPlantation and must be destroyed.

Although we still don’t know if Joe Biden will get in, the current Vice President polls much better than Hillary against  the GOP field. In fact, he beats them all. Trump would lose 50% to 37%; Bush by 46% to 41%; and Carson and Fiorina both lose 46% to 42%.

Only Marco Rubio, who was not polled against Clinton, statistically ties Biden, losing by only -1%,  44% to 43%.

Keep in mind that as of right now Biden is the unicorn candidate; the politician floating above it all who is not being challenged or questioned or in any way grinded up in the process. Biden’s best polling day will be the day he announces. It’s all downhill from there for  a politician who has always been a terrible presidential candidate.

Moreover, and the media won’t tell you this, 2016 is going to be a change election. Biden is not change. Rather, he represents the third term of a failed presidency,


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