Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is hearing from some friends that she should give up her quest to win the New Hampshire primary.

Clinton trails left-wing challenger Bernie Sanders in the Granite State by 14 points according to Huffington Post poll averages. What’s more, Clinton might also be advised to scrap Iowa, Politico reports.

Clinton, of course, won New Hampshire in 2008, bolstering her advantage over Barack Obama before losing the coveted South Carolina primary due to her loss among black voters. A strong showing in New Hampshire famously launched Bill Clinton’s campaign in 1992.

But guess what? An anonymous political source close to the Clinton campaign said that Hillary is not best suited for Iowa, either, because it’s too white.

“I look at New Hampshire and I say, ‘um, yeah, whatever.’ I like the people in Iowa. I like the people in New Hampshire. But you know what? They are distinctly different than most places in the country are. They are very white, they are very parochial. And they are not emblematic of the country,” the source told Politico.