Background Checks Powerless Again: Father of Gunman Faces Charges for Falsifying Purchase Forms


On September 29, Raymond Fryberg–father of Marysville-Pilchuck High School gunman Jaylen Fryberg–was found guilty of six firearm-related charges, including falsifying answers on federal forms for the purchase of a Beretta Px4 Storm handgun.

It was the Beretta handgun that 15-year-old Jaylen used to kill four students and wound another on October 24, 2014. He then took his own life.

According to Reuters, Raymond Fryberg was prohibited from buying or possessing a gun due to “a non-expiring domestic violence restraining order in 2002 after he was accused of assaulting and threatening his girlfriend.” Yet Fryberg purchased the Beretta and four other guns in 2013.

He passed a background check for the Beretta, something which prosecutors say he did by “[lying] on federal forms.” KOMO News reported that Fryberg was arrested on March 31 on charges that he “illegally purchased the firearm used in the mass shooting.”

Having been found guilty, Fryberg is scheduled to be sentenced on January 11.

It should be noted that Washington state’s new universal background check law passed by a small margin on November 4–just under two weeks after the Marysville shooting–with pledges that more background checks would reduce gun crime. However, Fryberg’s example proves again that background checks are impotent against determined criminals or those who are determined to get their hands on a gun at all costs.

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