Hillary Clinton’s Email Server Crashed During Major Terrorist Attacks

Jonathan Ernst/Getty Images/AFP

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email server went down during key moments in recent foreign policy, including terrorist attacks, rendering Clinton and her aides frustrated with their inability to communicate.

Breitbart News exclusively reported the existence of a third email server outage during Hillary Clinton’s tenure at the State Department. The three known outages occurred in February 2010, again on October 9, 2012, and then sometime during Superstorm Sandy.

Major events were going on in the world during these three server crashes, including Islamic terror attacks, that Hillary Clinton later had to respond to. But her makeshift email server, which she used for State Department business, and which she shared with staffers from the Clinton Foundation and her husband Bill and daughter Chelsea, was not reliable during these crises.

Here are some of the world events that did not schedule themselves around the technical whims of Hillary Clinton’s email server:

Malala Was Shot

Pakistani girls’ education advocate Malala Yousafzai was shot on October 9, 2012, on a bus by a Taliban gunman. Yousafzai survived to become a globally-known activist and apparent Clinton supporter.

The next morning, Hillary Clinton’s right-hand aide Huma Abedin emailed Clinton Foundation executive director Stephanie Streett to inquire about bamboo flooring options for a building.

“Is your email working?” Abedin asked Streett, clearly acknowledging that the Clinton Foundation was on the same email network. “Mine has been down last night. Did you get my email about flooring?”

Hillary Clinton honored Malala two months later in Paris on International Human Rights Day.

“Today, we stand together with Malala and the millions of other girls and women who are risking their lives to get an education,” Clinton said in a video message to a UNESCO event focused on Malala.

Yousafzai later virtually endorsed Clinton for president.

“Even in America, even in America, people are waiting for a woman president,” Malala said in 2013 at the Clinton Global Initiative, as the crowd applauded for Hillary Clinton, who was in the audience.

Terrorist Attack in Syria

October 9, 2012—the day Hillary Clinton’s email network went down while Abedin struggled to talk about bamboo flooring options—the al-Nusra Front, an Islamic rebel group affiliated with al-Qaeda, set off car bombs in the Damascus suburbs near an air force base, reportedly killing dozens.

The Obama administration armed and trained certain Syrian rebel groups. It was reported last week that some of the American-trained groups gave supplies to al-Nusra.

Terrorist Attack in Afghanistan

On February 26, 2010, Taliban terrorists killed at least nine delegates from India in a series of suicide bombings in Kabul. The Taliban suicide bombers targeted the guest homes of employees of the Indian embassy in Afghanistan. Italian and French nationals also lost their lives that day at the hand of the Taliban.

Hillary Clinton’s email server went down on February 26, 2010. The State Department’s IT Help Desk didn’t even know that she was using a private email account, delaying the expedient recovery of her email services.

Huma Abedin explained to Clinton on February 27 what happened.

“Ur email must be back up!!,” Abedin wrote to Clinton. “What happened is judith sent you an email. It bounced back. She called the email help desk at state (I guess assuming u had state email) and told them that. They had no idea it was YOU, just some random address so they emailed. Sorry about that. But regardless, means ur email must be back! R u getting other messages?”

“I’ve gotten some messages from yesterday – how about you?” Hillary Clinton responded.

“Nothing,” Abedin said.

Bashar al-Assad Met with Hezbollah and Iranian Leaders

Syrian president Bashar al-Assad had dinner with Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of the terrorist group Hezbollah, and also then-Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on the night of February 25, 2010. The existence of the dinner did not come out publicly until February 26, according to the Jerusalem Post, as Clinton was having her email problems with the State Department Help Desk.

Ahmadinejad’s visit to Syria, which included his dinner with Assad, was filled with violent anti-American rhetoric. Ahmadinejad said on the trip that the Middle East in the future will be “without Zionists and without colonialists.”

North Korea Imprisoned Four South Koreans

On February 26, 2010, the North Korean regime announced that it had seized four South Korean nationals for allegedly illegally crossing the border into North Korea. This was just one day after the North Koreans accused the United States of conspiring with South Korea to plot a military attack. The North Koreans placed the southerners “under investigation.”

Meanwhile, as Abedin informed Clinton, the State Department email Help Desk “had no idea it was YOU” having email troubles.

North Korea continues to arrest those who allegedly cross the border into its country. Just last week, 21-year-old New York University student Joo Won-Moon held a supervised press conference from North Korea, where he has been held in captivity for months by the regime.


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