Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Republican presidential candidate Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ) criticized Pope Francis for embracing Cuba that is giving harbor to JoAnne Chesimard a member of Black Panther party who was convicted of killing New Jersey state trooper Werner Foerster in 1973 and fled to Cuba 1977 after escaping jail.
Christie, a Catholic said, “I just think the Pope was wrong. So the fact is, that his infallibility is on religion matters, not on political ones. And the fact is for me I just believe when you have a government that is harboring fugitives, murdering fugitives – like JoAnn Chesimard who murdered a state policeman in New Jersey in cold blood and was broken out of prison and has been harbored for the last 40-plus years by a Cuban government who has paid her and held her as a hero, that this president could extend diplomatic relations with that country without getting her returned – so she can serve the prison sentence that she was sentenced to by a jury of her peers in New Jersey – is outrageous. And so I just happen to disagree with the Pope on this one.”