As Sen. Marco Rubio is seeing his presidential campaign dragged down by weakening polling numbers, his campaign is out with a new video alluding to his last big mention in the media: after he hit a child with a football.

The video features Rubio catching footballs, as he talks about his football career, his views on the NFL (He’s a Dolphins fan), and how he prepares for important moments such as Wednesday’s presidential debate on CNN.

The video may work, as millions of Americans are turning their thoughts toward football instead of politics.

It appears, however, that his campaign can’t quit the “water joke” that branded Rubio in the earliest part of his career.

“Make sure there’s water nearby,” he says, as someone tosses him a water bottle. “Like right now.”

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In February 2013, some 900 days ago, Rubio famously grabbed a bottle of water during his televised response to the State of the Union address – a moment that went viral online thanks to his deer in the headlights look that catapulted it across the internet.

“I mean I needed water, what am I going to do?” he explained afterwards to Good Morning America’s George Stephanopoulos. “God has a funny way of reminding us we’re human.”

The moment was mocked by Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Jay Leno, David Letterman, and Saturday Night Live, CNN openly wondered if the water moment was a “career ender” before later explaining it off as a “joke.”

In response, Rubio’s team successfully capitalized on the moment, raising $100,000 by selling water bottles to small donors who wanted to participate in the moment.

On the campaign trail, Rubio continues to joke about his thirst, or his need for more H-2-0 – even if members in the audience already think that the moment has passed.