U.S. Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-FL), who is in a contentious Senate primary race with fellow congressman Alan Grayson, has expectedly moved to the left of his usual middle-of-the-road positions on many issues.

According to the Tampa Bay Times, during a local Democratic Party fundraiser in Hillsborough County, Florida, Murphy countered by suggesting that he was no less a “Democrat as Grayson,” as well as pointing out that his commitment to Democratic Party values was unwavering.

Murphy told the crowd that he “stood with the president” on the Iran nuclear deal (so did Grayson), was a strong supporter of a women’s right to choose, favored gay marriage, not to mention supported the Obamacare law.

By doubling down on this liberal positions, Murphy opened the door for Republicans to attack him in the same manner that they have gone after the more outspoken and controversial Grayson.

This decision of Murphy’s to move to the left was expected; Rep. Ron DeSantis has said that Murphy would have to counter Grayson by openly moving further to the left.

DeSantis was right.

Meanwhile, Grayson continues his almost daily barrage of attacks against his colleague Murphy.