Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump stated, ” I think the concept of a safe zone in Syria would be a terrific concept, relative to the other alternatives,” and “maybe makes more sense than anything, where all of the countries, and not just us, where we foot the bill” and “we have to start thinking about ourselves” on Thursday’s “On the Record” on the Fox News Channel.

Trump said, [relevant remarks being around 7:00] “I can understand why he [Obama] wants to take 10,000, because on a humanitarian basis, it is just a horrible thing to witness and to watch. Had he gone across the line, the artificial line that he drew in the sand, he had he done that, I think you probably would have had a much different situation today. But, you look at other countries. You look at the Gulf states. You look at Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, and Bahrain and all of the other states, the other countries over there. They’re not taking any. they won’t take one. I can’t believe how Germany has opened its borders, because I’m not sure that that’s going to end up being politically popular. But on a humane basis, it’s amazing what Merkel is doing. I think this: We have tremendous problems in our country. We have our own border problems. Europe is Europe. And you know what? They should take care of that situation, and they should do it well, and they should do it humanely. But we have tremendous problems in our country. We owe $19 trillion. We’re a total mess. We have to take care of our veterans. We have to take care of our own people, and I think we shouldn’t be at a position where we, on top of everything else, are going to be adding tremendous — now, 10,000 people.”

He added, “I think the concept of a safe zone maybe makes more sense than anything, where all of the countries, and not just us, where we foot the bill, we’re always footing everybody’s bill. Nobody else is involved. Nobody else pays. I think the concept of a safe zone in Syria would be a terrific concept, relative to the other alternatives. I would say, that would be something that would be very good. As far as our country is concerned, we could do a little bit, but, again, I mention, $19 trillion is what we owe. We’re losing with everybody. We’re losing with China, with Japan, with Mexico, both at the border and on trade. We just can’t continue to go like this. We have to build our country back. We have to rebuild our infrastructure, our bridges, our roads, our schools. … So, we have to start thinking about ourselves. We cannot continue to do what we’re doing. With that being said, I probably like the concept of safe zone probably better than any other alternative.”

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