Sunday on Fox News, Republican presidential candidate former Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) said his rival Donald Trump’s “rhetoric makes for good political theater,” but “the fact is, it’s 1,933 miles from Tijuana to El Paso to Brownsville, and you’re not going to build a wall on that distance.”
Perry said, “Well, rhetoric makes for good political theater, but the fact is, it’s 1,933 miles from Tijuana to El Paso to Brownsville and you’re not going to build a wall on that distance. What you are going to do is put the personnel in the right place, have the strategic fencing in the metropolitan areas. And what’s really missing are the aviation assets flying 24/7 with the ability to look down and analyze what going on on both sides of the border. And then when it’s clearly illegal, fast response teams to go and interdict. That’s how you secure the border. We can do it substantially quicker and more economically then we can with the political rhetoric of ‘Oh we are going to build a wall.’ People want results. As the governor for 14 years, I had to have results. When I put the Texas National Guard on the border last summer, we got results. But it’s not Texas or any other state’s responsibility. It’s the federal government’s responsibility to secure that border. And when I’m the president of the United States, the will will reside in the White House. We’ll secure the border.”
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