Exclusive — ‘Stump for Trump’ Girls: Trump’s ‘Immigration Proposal Is Phenomenal’


Flamboyant YouTube stars, and perhaps Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s biggest supporters, Lynette “Diamond” Hardaway and Rochelle “Silk” Richardson—a.k.a the “Stump for Trump” girls—have turned the political world on its head.

These women have defended Donald Trump from numerous attacks. These sisters on the stump for Trump have been seen by millions in several appearances on CNN. Their last interview was with Sarah Palin.

For his part, Donald Trump is grateful for these ladies’ support. The bombastic billionaire even invited Diamond and Silk to Alabama where he held a rally that drew more than 29,000 people. The pro-Trump duo didn’t catch their flight.

I reached out to the Stump for Trump girls and asked them to answer some questions. They were more than happy to oblige.

The following is the first of what I hope are many interviews with these hilarious and warm women.

What are the first five things you want to see done by a President Donald Trump administration?

Secure the border. Deport illegal immigrants. Bring jobs back to the United States. Overhaul the entire justice system. Unite the country.

How should Donald Trump handle ISIS and Islamic Terrorism?

Cut off the wealth. Cut off the oil supply. Cut off all social networking. Do an extensive background check on individuals that come from that region.

How do you feel about Donald Trump’s immigration proposal?

We feel that his immigration proposal is phenomenal. It addresses most concerns of the American people.

Grade President Obama’s job performance from A+ to F.

After evaluating Mr. Obama’s job performance, we are only able to give him an incomplete.

How do you feel about the economy right now?

We feel that the economy is stagnated.

Foreign Affairs?

We do not think that the United States should be making deals with anyone that shouts “death to America.”

Health care?

Overhaul health care so that the system can be more competitive.


We love Donald Trump’s immigration policy. It speaks volumes.


End Common Core.

Are you disappointed with the job Obama has done?

Mr. Obama could only do what he was told by the puppet masters. The people that contribute to his campaign was the ones pulling the strings.  

Back in March, popular and opinionated ESPN personality Stephen A. Smith said, “What I dream is that for one election, just one, every black person in America vote Republican…” 

What a great dream. It is time for the American people to get off of the Democratic plantation. You can either stay left or get right.

Black people have been voting 80 to 90 percent Democrat for at least four decades and have very little to show for it. What do you want to see Donald Trump do to win a large share of black support?

Keep doing what he do. Keep talking about the issues that deeply affect black Americans.

Julian Jones, founder of Black Lives Matter Worcester, said his group plans to “disrupt” a Donald Trump campaign event. Donald Trump said, “I don’t know if I’ll do the fighting myself or if other people will.” How do you want to see Trump respond if confronted by Black Lives Matter?

If confronted by Black Lives Matters, Mr. Trump should stop them in their tracks and offer them a seat at the intelligent conversation table.

Black unemployment was 9.1 percent in July, still nearly twice the national average. What do you want to see a successful businessman like Donald Trump do to finally solve the problem of black unemployment?

Bring jobs back where people are not just making any wage, but a descent wage, where they can thrive and not just survive.

The black, out-of-wedlock birth rate remains at about 70 percent and nearly 40 percent for whites. How can Donald Trump reverse this harmful cultural trend, which has no policy prescription?

We do not feel that it is Mr. Trump responsibility to reverse this trend. It’s up to the individual person, no matter what creed or color they are.

You ladies are both Democrats. You can’t vote in the North Carolina Republican primary. Will you change your political party affiliation to vote for Donald Trump?


Finish this sentence: Hillary Clinton is…

…Tainted by those emails and the Benghazi situation.

We know Donald Trump is your first choice for president. Who would be your second and third choices?

The only choice we are looking at is Donald Trump.

Who would you want to see Donald Trump choose as his running mate?

Right now, it’s not about who Donald Trump’s running mate is going to be; it about getting Donald Trump nominated, so he can be the next President of the United States.

What’s next for the Stump for Trump Girls? 

Continue to help unite the country and make America great again.


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