Poll: ‘Liar’ Tops List of 50 Words Americans Used to Describe Hillary Clinton

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ABC via YouTube/ Rising Response

In the latest Quinnipiac poll, the pollsters asked a simple question of Americans: “What is the first word that comes to mind when you think of Hillary Clinton?”

The survey included responses from 1,563 registered voters nationwide including 666 Republicans and 647 Democrats.

Here is the full list of the top 50 words that voters chose to describe her followed by the numbers of times that voters chose that word.

  1. liar 178
  2. dishonest 123
  3. untrustworthy 93
  4. experience 82
  5. strong 59
  6. Bill 56
  7. woman 47
  8. smart 31
  9. crook 21
  10. untruthful 19
  11. criminal 18
  12. deceitful 18
  13. Democrat 16
  14. intelligent 15
  15. email 14
  16. politician 13
  17. Benghazi 12
  18. corrupt 12
  19. crooked 11
  20. capable 10
  21. determined 10
  22. good 10
  23. leader 9
  24. murder 9
  25. qualified 9
  26. trustworthy 9
  27. bitch 8
  28. competent 8
  29. phony 8
  30. president 8
  31. cheat 7
  32. deceptive 7
  33. honest 7
  34. scandal 7
  35. sneaky 7
  36. ambitious 6
  37. arrogant 6
  38. brilliant 6
  39. dependable 6
  40. fair 6
  41. sec-of-state 6
  42. thief 6
  43. confident 5
  44. corporate 5
  45. dedicated 5
  46. devious 5
  47. first-lady 5
  48. lady 5
  49. liberal 5
  50. unqualified 5


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