From Jeffrey Lord writing at The American Spectator:

“Why does baloney reject the meat grinder?” So answered William F. Buckley, Jr. when he was asked why the most popular Democrat of 1967 — New York Senator Robert F. Kennedy — refused to come on Buckley’s television showFiring Line to discuss the issues of the day.

The Buckley remark comes to mind as former Florida Governor Jeb Bush — the GOP Establishment favorite in the presidential race — is silent as a church mouse in response to an on-air challenge from Mark Levin to appear on Mark’s radio show for a discussion of birthright citizenship.

Bush has been out there defending “birthright citizenship.” As reported in Politico:

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush split from many of his fellow GOP presidential contenders on Tuesday and staunchly defended birthright citizenship for children born in the U.S. to undocumented immigrants — saying it is a constitutional right that should be protected.

During an interview with CBS’s Major Garrett, Bush waved off Donald Trump’s immigration plan — which includes repealing the 14th Amendment that provides birthright citizenship — as unrealistic

“Mr. Trump can say that he’s for this because people are frustrated that it’s abused. But we ought to fix the problem rather than take away rights that are constitutionally in doubt,” Bush said.

OK. Fair enough. That’s the Bush position. It also happens to be the position of our friends at the Wall Street Journal.

Mark Levin, a considerable student of the Constitution, quickly and publicly challenged Bush to come on his show to discuss the issue. Thus far, Bush has refused by simply ignoring the invitation altogether. Reminding, of course, of Bill Buckley’s remark about Bobby Kennedy: “Why does baloney reject the meat grinder?”

Read the rest of the story at The American Spectator.