Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” Democratic strategist James Carville discussed Hillary Clinton deleting the emails from her tenure of Secretary of State and wiping her server clean. The long-time Clinton ally and said, “It’s just stupid media people talking to other stupid media people and spinning themselves up on something that’s not going to amount to a hill of beans.”
Carville said, “I had to come out because of all the foolishness going on. Mr. Cillizza talks about a total Democratic freak out and then he quotes a guy who talked to a guy. You know, the guy running that sweat shop in Seattle needs to go to The Washington Post and get this place in order. There’s nobody editing this newspaper as far as I can see.”
He continued, “Why is she beating every Republican and has better favorability ratios than any Republican running for president? It’s supposed to be the Democrats that are freaking out? Look, polls go up and down. this is — this is foolishness. I’m having to come out of my vacation to deal with this kind of stupidity that these people are putting out. Hillary is going to be just fine. She’s going to be just fine.”
“It’s not going to amount to a hill of beans, just like all of the other stuff that I’ve been through. It doesn’t amount to a hill of beans. It’s just a bunch of people talking to each other spinning themselves up over a pile of garbage. People like The Washington Post talking about a total Democratic freakout. You want to talk about a freakout, look at these Republicans all like they want to get rid of all the people in the country, repeal the Constitution and God knows what. You want to freak out on something, freak out on that.”
He added, “It’s just stupid media people talking to other stupid media people and spinning themselves up on something that’s not going to amount to a hill of beans. By the way, I’m looking forward to the Benghazi hearing in October. We should see how many questions they’re going to ask on Benghazi. What they need to do is just calm down and, you know, enjoy the race. There’s going to be some interesting politicking coming up and it will be fine.”
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