Columnist and author of “Adios, America,” Ann Coulter declared, “”I wish Fox News would go a little easier on Hillary Clinton. She’s the one we want to run against” on Wednesday’s “Lou Dobbs Tonight” on the Fox Business Network.

Coulter argued, “I wish Fox News would go a little easier on Hillary Clinton. She’s the one we want to run against. Could you guys just back off? Because I feel like I’m living through this, I feel like this is déjà vu again. We used to say, ‘Oh, the next president isn’t going to be a guy named Barack Hussein Obama.’ Our next president could be Bernie Sanders if you people keep this up.”

Coulter also said of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, “Imitate him, Republicans. They won’t. … I mean, we really are seeing with Trump, a separation of the mice from the men here. It is immigration. Republicans have refused to respond to voters, as have Democrats, I might add, on the burning hatred of immigration in this country. Trump comes along and does it. And, as I was saying, the other thing you do when one product is ahead is, you imitate the iPhone, you imitate a late-night TV show. Why won’t they imitate them? Why? Because they are controlled by the big donors, and that is obvious to people on the issue of immigration.” She also stated that other GOP candidates have attacked Trump “so that they can get the donor money.”

Coulter also argued Trump’s rise is “because of immigration, it is not just that he is straight talk. If it were straight talk, Chris Christie would be at the top, John McCain would be at the top.”

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