Wisconsin Governor and Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker slammed Hillary Clinton over her private server and email, arguing “probably the Russian and Chinese government[s] know more about Hillary Clinton’s email server than do the members of the United States Congress. And that has put our national security at risk” at Thursday’s primetime GOP presidential debate.
Walker was asked what he would do “if Russian president Vladimir Putin started a campaign to destabilize NATO allies, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, mirroring the actions Putin took at the early days of Ukraine.”
Walker responded, “Well, first off, for the cyberattack with Russia the other day, it’s sad to think right now, but probably the Russian and Chinese government[s] know more about Hillary Clinton’s email server than do the members of the United States Congress. And that has put our national security at risk.”
Walker continued, “If I’m president, he won’t think about that. You know, Putin believes in the old Lenin adage that you probe with bayonets, when you find mush you push, when you find steel you stop. Under Obama and Clinton, we found a lot of mush, over the last few years. We need to have a national security that puts steel in front of our enemies. I would send weapons to Ukraine. I would work with NATO to put forces on the eastern border of Poland, and the Baltic nations, and I would reinstate…put in place — back in the missile defense system that we had in Poland and in the Czech Republic.”
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