A panelist discussing immigration openly and specifically supported illegal aliens with criminal records at NetRoots Nation convention taking place in Phoenix, Arizona.

NetRoots Nation is a gathering started by leftist, pro-Democrat website Daily Kos. The panel was put on by Puente Arizona, a radical pro-illegal immigrant community organizer group that has been responsible for protests against Donald Trump and Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

After GOP presidential hopeful Donald Trump saw his poll numbers shoot up after attacking illegal immigration in general and criminal illegal aliens specifically, the Puente/NetRoots crowd actively embraced criminals. Participants at the conference said it’s “not fair” to reject criminals and proudly stated that when activists call for an end to all deportations, that includes criminals.

Puente Arizona organized last week’s protest against Donald Trump in Phoenix. At that event, about 200 protestors—some of whom did not speak English—spewed hate against Republican presidential candidate Trump and Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Puente and NetRoots Nation also led a demonstration against Arpaio Friday afternoon.

One marcher was wearing a version of the Mexican flag festooned with the rainbow stripes of the flag used by gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex political groups.