Dr. Ben Carson: Iran Deal is ‘Historic Mistake’

Secretary of State John Kerry speaks during the final press conference of Iran nuclear tal
Joe Klamar/AFP/Getty Images

“The Iran deal announced today with fanfare and another heaping dose of false hope is almost certain to prove an historic mistake with potentially deadly consequences,” Republican Presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson tells Breitbart News in an emailed statement.

“A careful review of the 100-plus pages is in order to fully understand the lengths to which the negotiators were willing to stoop to secure a deal at any cost with the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism and a regime dedicated in word and deed to bringing Death to America,” the statement reads.

“Without anywhere anytime surprise inspections, a full accounting of Iran’s past secret nuclear arms pursuits, elimination of Iran’s uranium stockpiles and the lifting of any sanctions only upon verification of Iranian compliance this is not a good deal, but a recipe for disaster and the first fateful step toward a frenzied nuclear arms race in the Middle East,” Carson concludes.


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