Clinton E-mails: Hillary Branded Tories ‘Wacky’ on Europe, Wanted to Help Blair Become EU President

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U.S. Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton was asked to lobby the European Union on Tony Blair’s behalf, in addition to blasting the Conservative Party’s right wing as ‘wacky’ for opposing European Union expansionism via the Lisbon Treaty, it has been revealed.

Reports following the release of Mrs. Clinton’s e-mails suggest that the former U.S. Secretary of State believed that the Lisbon Treaty – which led to the expansion of EU rule over the sovereign democracies of Europe – was an interminably positive thing, to the point where she even showed bias towards “Tony” [Blair] for the role of European Commission President.

Sidney Blumenthal, one of Mrs. Clinton’s aides, wrote to her in October 2009 to update her on the situation in Europe, before Mr Cameron was Prime Minister.

She wrote: “Without passing ‘Go’, David Cameron has seriously damaged his relations with the European leaders. Sending a letter to Czech leader Vaclay [sic] Klaus encouraging him not to sign the Lisbon Treaty, as though Cameron were already Prime Minister, he has offended Sarkozy, Merkel and Zapatero.

“Whether this affects Merkel’s attitude on Blair and the EU presidency remains unclear, but Cameron’s high-handed behaviour is precisely the sort of thing that provokes her.”

The Telegraph reports that Ms. Blumenthal thought the “Cameron explosion” was “proof positive of his tilt to the Tory right on Europe” and remarked of former Tory leader William Hague as having “arduously pressured for an anti-EU stance, despite his assurances to you that Tory policy toward Europe would be marked by continuity”.

Mrs Clinton’s reply, which is revealing in itself, was simply: “That is so revealing – and wacky – but it perhaps leaves a very small opening for Tony.”

In another revelatory e-mail, it seems that former UK prime minster Tony Blair asked for Mrs. Clinton’s support for him assuming the role of European Commission President.

Reports suggest that Jonathan Powell, a former aide to Mr Blair, asked for Mrs Clinton’s support during a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The e-mail read:

“Jonathan Powell tells me that remarks about Tony would be appreciated but that what would really be significant would be your conversation with Merkel,” to which Mrs. Clinton replied, “OK”.

There is great significance to Mrs. Clinton’s e-mails coming to light just before a U.S. Presidential election, while the EU-US Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is being debated.

The deal, which those on the right of British politics see as a “corporate stitch up” would seek to homogenise European and American regulatory law, as well being rumoured to opening up Britain’s National Health service to a cabal of large multi-national companies.

TTIP was famously delayed after a raucous session of the European Parliament, where right-wing parties like UKIP and socialists from across the continent stood together to oppose the move. Another major concern about the deal is reported to be its content – not yet seen by members of the public nor their representatives – which suggests that corporations will be able to sue governments for changes in the law that affect their earnings.


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