Monday on MSNBC’s “The Rundown With José Díaz-Balart,” Democratic National Committee chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) said the all of the 2016 Republican field of presidential candidates are drinking the same “Kool-Aid” of the “extremist tea party agenda.”
Addressing Mitt Romney’s comments that Hillary Clinton looks like she is asking “where is my latte,” Wasserman Schultz said, “If he’s asking where is my latte, then where is their Kool-Aid? Because that is the Republicans drink of choice. The Republicans whether it’s Mitt Romney or Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio, their entire field, they all sing off the same song, drink the same Kool-Aid. They cut taxes for the wealthiest most fortunate Americans. They wanted to go back to trickle-down economics that’s been tried over and over again in their party. Whether it’s Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders or Barack Obama, their argument is to give everybody a chance to succeed and fight for economics.”
She then turned to her former Gov. Jeb Bush (R-TX), who is set to announce his candidacy for the presidency, and said, “The Jeb Bush that Floridians know who, when he was governor, engaged in really the most my way or the highway governor structure that I’ve ever seen. He was the most inflexible governor who always thought he was right. Someone who was so focused on cutting taxes for the unfortunate that left our economy in a place when the great recession came, we were in worse shape than we would have been had we taken a more balanced approach.”
She continued “I think Jeb Bush is going to be just like his brother. He can say anything he wants about being his own man, but he supported the privatization of social security just like his brother.”
“The entire pack of Republicans whether it’s Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or any one of a number of them have sung off the same song sheet because they are really focused on the extremist tea party agenda that they have to focus on in order to get their nomination,” she added.
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