Carly For America Showcases Media Buzz Surrounding Fiorina’s Campaign Run

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Carly for America SuperPAC is releasing a new video titled “Momentum,” as Fiorina has been drawing attention from voters and the media since she launched her official presidential campaign in early May.

“We need leadership in the White House now that will unlock the potential of this great nation by changing the order of things in Washington, D.C. and challenging the status quo,” Fiorina says in the opening of the video.

The video, which is on YouTube, is a montage of media clips where Fiorina is being recognized for drawing crowd attention following speaking appearances – and one clip compares Fiorina’s line to Jeb Bush’s saying hers was longer than his – going out the door.

The message intends to showcase that Fiorina is “generating real buzz.”

This video debut came on the same day Fiorina said she is confident she will have a spot on the debate stage at the first official GOP presidential debate hosted by Fox News, Politico reports.

“It’s my job to work hard to achieve the goals as they’ve been laid out, and I’m confident I’ll be on that debate stage,” Fiorina said during an appearance on “Fox News Sunday.” “Of course, it is important for my campaign. You know, in a recent Fox News poll, over 50 percent of the American people had never heard my name. That’s because I haven’t been in politics all my life.”


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