Talk radio host Rush Limbaugh argued that former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley (D) “is going to end up being more preferable” to many “n the Hillary camp right now” on Friday.

Limbaugh, after recounting the problems that have arisen for others on the Democratic side, said, “And then, of course, the dark horse continues to be O’Malley, and there’s a local newspaper column out of the Baltimore Sun really singing his praises today, and cutting Hillary down to size in the process, just a local column. But I’m telling you, you’re gonna have to keep your eye on O’Malley, because at some point he is going to end up being more preferable to a lot of Democrats in the Democrat — in the Hillary camp right now.” And “there really is some unease with Hillary out there, particularly in the Drive-By Media.”

He concluded, “Well, I’m telling you, when O’Malley shows up, he is just the exact opposite from Hillary, in practically every way, in terms of presentability, looks, attractiveness, and he’s got the same ideological resume.  He may be — well, he’s as leftist as Obama is and as the Clintons are, so there’s no loss if they go to O’Malley in that regard.  I’m just telling you, keep a sharp eye out. I’m not predicting it yet, but I’m just — wouldn’t be surprised.”

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