Report: NYPD Cop Shot in Face by Ex-Con Dies From Injuries, Suspect Brags He’s a ‘Hell Raiser’ When Arrested


This article was originally posted in the New York Daily News:

The hero cop who was shot in the face by an ex-con died Monday after a two day struggle to stay alive, sources said… It also means that Demetrius Blackwell will likely face a murder charge for gunning down the 25-year-old officer in Queens Village on Saturday, the sources said.

Read the rest of the article here and be sure to check out Breitbart News Network’s live account of the Saturday night attack here

The New York Daily News also published an account of the deadly shooting:

Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association President Patrick Lynch was shaken following a bedside visit with the gravely wounded cop from Massapequa, L.I. “We’re praying that our hero officer comes through, but with any kind of brain injury, it’s difficult to tell,” Lynch said.

As Moore struggled in the hospital, Blackwell, 35, was charged with attempted murder of a police officer, assault and criminal possession of a weapon.

The cretin allegedly told detectives following his arrest, “They call me D. They also call me hell-raiser on the streets.”


Moore was driving an unmarked police car when he and partner Erik Jansen, 30, both on-duty but in plainclothes, pulled up behind Blackwell, whom they had spotted “adjusting an object in his waistband,” said Police Commissioner Bill Bratton.

Moore identified himself as a police officer and asked, “Do you have something in your waistband?” a source said.

Blackwell responded: “Yeah, I got something,” pulled his gun and fired two to three shots into the car at the corner of 212th St. and 104th Road, hitting Moore in the face, the source said.

The woman who lives in the house where Blackwell fled said she heard the gunshots.

“When I came outside, all I heard (the officer) saying . . . ‘Partner, please stay with me.’ I saw him pick up his radio and call it in,” she said.

Cops nabbed Blackwell, who has nine prior arrests, including two for assaulting officers, at the home about 90 minutes after the attack.

Andre Tucker, 26, who also lives at the house where Blackwell was busted, said the suspect was one cool customer — hiding in plain sight just feet from the crime scene.

“(Blackwell) was hanging out for an hour and a half, smoking cigarettes and talking like everything is normal,” Tucker said.

He, Blackwell and others stood in the front yard gawking at the growing manhunt until cops ordered them all to go inside.


Blackwell, a cousin of former Giants cornerback Kory Blackwell, went to prison on an attempted murder conviction after firing into a car in July 2000 following a robbery. He was released from the Clinton Correctional Facility in upstate Dannemora in June 2008.

Blackwell was also wanted by authorities on a criminal mischief charge stemming from an incident last November in which he threw bricks at the windows of a house while toting a gun, police said.

Moore was the fifth NYPD officer shot since December. Two of the victims, Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos, were assassinated by the same cop-hating madman.

Read the full article here. 


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