More details about the behind-the-scenes orchestration of Hilary Clinton’s meetings with “ordinary” Iowans are leaking out.

It has been reported that the Iowans at these purportedly spontaneous meetings were quizzed and vetted by Hillary staffers for 30 minutes before being allowed to meet the candidate.

It has already been reported that several of those “ordinary” Americans who met with Hillary in an Iowa coffee shop are longtime Democrat operatives as opposed to average, everyday citizens.

But even these Democrat operatives were not ushered right into the meeting with Hillary without first being quizzed and vetted for a half hour beforehand.

Democrat operative and coffee house attendee Austin Bird admitted to the Daily Mail that Clinton campaign staffer Troy Price drove them to the meeting with Hillary only after “vetting them for about a half-hour.”

More of the Hillary campaign’s orchestration has already backfired. On Wednesday it was reported that many of Hillary’s Facebook and Twitter followers were either fake accounts or purchased by the campaign to make it seem like she had more “ordinary Americans” as followers.

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