An amendment requiring President Obama to guarantee Iran hasn’t committed terrorist acts against the U.S. or U.S. citizens was voted down before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee passed an agreement to require Congressional approval of any Iran nuclear deal.

The bipartisan bill passed unanimously with a 19-0 vote out of committee, and now moves on for a full Senate vote.

But Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) had offered an amendment – to no avail – which would have restored the terrorism certification provision, previously offered by Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ), from the original bill.

The provision would have required President Obama to certify that Iran hasn’t carried out or directly supported any act of terrorism against the United States or against any U.S. citizen anywhere in the world.

Calling up the amendment, Barrasso said, “This restores the language from the underlying base bill on the terrorism certification. It’s simple, it’s straight forward. It just re-establishes the requirement that the President certify Iran has not directly supported or carried out an act of terrorism against the United States or a United States person anywhere in the world.”

The provision was in the original legislation and had significant bipartisan support. The United States listed Iran as a state sponsor of terrorism in 1984.

“I think it’s critical for the President to make this certification to Congress and to the American people,” Barrasso said.

He added, “We are serious about our national security, and I think it’s important that the committee clearly state that we will not tolerate terrorism against our nation.”