Friday in Nashville, TN, at the 2015 NRA annual meeting, Executive Vice President of the NRA Wayne LaPierre went after former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, saying a Clinton presidency “will bring permanent darkness, despair to America,” with endless controversies and scandals like those that have plagued her entire public career.

LaPierra said Clinton’s “scandal and controversy is almost endless” and he listed “Whitewater-gate, Cattle-gate, Jenifer Flowers-gate Nanny-gate, Lincoln bedroom-gate, Travel-gate, Trooper-gate, File-gate, Paula Jones-gate, Vince Foster-gate, Helicopter-gate, White House Coffee-gate, Web Hubbell Hush Money-gate, Pardon-gate, Illegal Gift-Gate, Monica-gate, Benghazi-gate, Email-gate, Wiped Server-gate.”

He then delivered the punch line saying, “Hillary Clinton has more gates than a south Texas cattle ranch.”

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